A couple of weeks ago Jim and I drove out to the outlet mall on 290. After a bit of shopping Jim wanted to "explore" the area. He loves winding country roads. It's okay with me as long as I bring my knitting.
We passed by a drive in somewhere out in the boondocks. After driving around some more and eating in a cute country restaurant in Hockley, "The Sawmill Grill," we went back to the the Showboat Drive In (www.theshowboatdrivein.com) and saw "Alice in Wonderland." We were in my little Mazda 3. Everyone else was driving SUV's & pickups. So, we only got to see the top 2/3 of the screen. It was a beautiful evening - cool weather and we could actually see the stars through the moon roof.
I can see why drive-ins have gone out of business. A lot of the colors and details are lost on the drive-in screen. I got the plot of the movie but missed seeing all the costumes and special effects.