It's 9:30 PM and I've been working since 8 AM. I am beyond exhausted.
A man from Active American Medical Supplies, Adam, came at 8 to install a ramp for the garage entryway. Insurance doesn't pay for ramps. I guess they think I can carry a 350 pound powerchair into the house. I ordered a foldable ramp for the front entrance and had a grab bar installed in the bathroom.
I called and called and called to get Jim a bed. Finally I was told they would deliver a rental bed tomorrow morning. And Aetna approved the purchase of a hospital bed but it won't be delivered for a couple of weeks.
Then I called and left messages at the TIRR outpatient clinic at Kirby Glen. I wanted to get Jim scheduled and on the waiting list for pool therapy. No one called me back so I drove over there. I found the scheduling office and said "Hi, I'm Joanne Carpenter and I've been leaving you messages." One of the women, Tina, said that they had a new answering system so they hadn't gotten my messages. I was doubtful of this but, I was polite. Tina looked into her system and said Jim hadn't been entered yet. So I went to the Insurance Approval office and spoke to Kaneesha (?). She hadn't started processing Jim yet. She promised she'd work on it today.
I went to TIRR to be with Jim. He had pool therapy at 3. The therapist, Christa said that their walker was broken. She said she'd put an order in for a new one. I went into the gym and brought in one of their numerous walkers. She wouldn't use it - said she'd get in trouble. So, I tracked down the gym manager, Chris and he got us a walker to use.
Jim was able to walk across the pool using the walker. It made him so happy. I took a video and will post it later.
After the pool we went back to Jim's room. He got a shower and went to bed. I did some packing while I waited to see the doctor. Finally at 7 the nurse, Debbie paged him. He didn't call back so I took the prescriptions that were written yesterday. I thought he was going to talk to me some more about them.
I took the scripts to Walgreen's. After waiting 30 minutes the pharmacist paged me. They couldn't find the doctor's name and number on their list. I told them that Dr Li was Dr Berliner's resident. So, then they started actually working on the prescriptions. An hour and a half later I paid almost $200 for a month's supply of Jim's medications.
I am exhausted but I wanted to document the day that I had today. At least I accomplished getting the ramp and the meds. Hopefully, the bed will arrive tomorrow morning.