This morning I was sitting in my chair drinking coffee. I heard scratching. There was Piglet trying to bury the pee he made on my leather sofa. This was the final straw for Piglet. He's been peeing all over the house for over 3 years. I've taken him to the vet many times, gotten shots for him, added litter boxes, moved litter boxes, bought special litter and boxes, prescription cat food. I've blockaded my studio and put my fabric bins in plastic. Everyday I have to be sure to get my closet closed tight and keep any baskets of clothes or fabric put away. He prefers to pee in baskets of clean clothes.
I spend hours each week cleaning and changing litter boxes. I have definitely tried. I love my Piglet. He was my Kevin's cat while he was at Cornell. Kevin brought him home to live with me in December 2003. The vet estimated that he was 5 years old back then. Piglet was my last connection to my son's childhood.
The vet said that he had chronic bladder infections and sand in his urine. Peeing was painful so he looked for soft places to pee in. I would have made him an outside only kitty. But he would have suffered in the heat, with his bladder problems, fleas, the other critters living outside, etc. Not to mention the extra work involved in trying to take care of him outside and keep the other kitties inside the house.
I decided that euthanizing him was the best solution for both of us. He lived a nice long life and was well taken care of and loved. It was a hard thing to do. I feel sad about it.