Here are some more photos. I gave Lupita a Venetian mask. Andy gave Jim silk pajamas to wear at the "office." Woodie gave Mom a huge box of chocolate.
A spot for Joanne's musings, photos, tutorials and especially PINK POODLES!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
More Christmas photos
Here are some more photos. I gave Lupita a Venetian mask. Andy gave Jim silk pajamas to wear at the "office." Woodie gave Mom a huge box of chocolate.
2009 Christmas
We had a nice Christmas this year. Would have been perfect if Kevin and Tomoko could have been with us.
Andy made a great brunch - lobster quiche, cookies, fruit, cake, salad. Woodie came, too. Later on Jimmy and Lupita came over. We had to give Mom just one gift at a time because she would just start ripping them open. She has become so childlike. She opens and eats up her candy right away, too.
Andy and Woodie left around 3 PM so then the 4 of us played cards. Of course, the girls beat the boys.
Kevin and Tomoko sent us all some weird and interesting presents from Japan. I got a beautiful Burberry tote bag.
The only downer is that my gifts still have not arrived for Kevin & Tomoko. I had made them some cute Christmas stockings to decorate their apartment, too. Oh well, as long as they get them eventually. Tomoko has to go check out the post office. Kevin can't speak good enough Japanese yet.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
2009 Holiday Jacket
I wanted a royal blue jacket with little snowflakes on it. I didn't have a blue sweatshirt so I used this dark green one. The large fleece snowflakes came from an estate sale. I "made it work." I cut 3 of the snowflakes in half and appliqued them to the front opening. I made a pocket from the sweatshirt's bottom binding and appliqued a snowflake on it. There are 3 more snowflakes on the back.
I finished the edges with some dark green binding that I just happened to have on hand. The white trim was also in my stash.
Using what I had inspired me to create something very different from my original concept. I've never seen any jacket like this one. It turned out quite stylish. I'm very pleased with it!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Any excuse to play dress up!

On Thanksgiving I wore my official "Indian" tunic. I got it at a thrift store years ago. It has Indian themed decorations and fringe. Since I'm stuck wearing thick support hose, I wore the tunic as a mini dress. My husband loved it. My son, Andy just shook his head at me.
Here is a picture of me wearing my lovely boot and a feather in my hair posing with a turkey.
Tomoko's stocking
I finished Tomoko's stocking this weekend. It is really cute.
All of a sudden, it's December tomorrow. I have an ASG party on Saturday and HAFA on Sunday.
I've got to fill up those stockings and get them to Japan!
All of a sudden, it's December tomorrow. I have an ASG party on Saturday and HAFA on Sunday.
I've got to fill up those stockings and get them to Japan!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Christmas stockings
This weekend I finished one stocking for my son, Kevin. It came out so cute. But, I have to wait until after he opens his present before I post the photo. Now, I am working on one for his wife, Tomoko.
Kevin is newly married and living in Japan. Here is a link to his book's website.
He's so smart!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Scrappy Flower Pins
I was inspired by a picture in Craft Gossip showing a pin made from fabric scraps. It used lots of layers in cream colored fabrics.
I ripped lengths of scrap fabrics and gathered one long edge, ending when it looked long enough to me - maybe about 6-9 inches. I sewed the ends of each strip together and decided how to arrange them. Some of the flowers have a circle of tulle added in. Some of the fabric wouldn't lay flat so I clipped into it. I decided that I liked the fringy-look that this gave the flower. Then I chose an old earring from my big box of old jewelry. (People are always giving me stuff because they say I will find a use for it eventually.) I removed the backs of the earring and sewed them to the center of the rosette.
I covered the stitches in back of the pin with a yo yo and sewed on a pin back. I think they are so cute. I actually saw similar pins in Chico's with feathers on them. Guess what I am going to try next?!
Another Vest-S-Cape
Here is the second vest I made from the pattern fro Saf-T-Pockets. I used a pretty Indian bedspread for this one. I finished the edges with black foldover elastic. Most of the elastic has sequins on it.
I just happened to have a long sleeved t-shirt in a coordinating color.
Plus, I made a pin to go with it. I used scraps of the bedspread and other fabrics to form a rosette. The center is an old rhinestone earring. I got a bit carried away and made 2 more pins. They are fun to make while watching TV with Mom. I am going to make more for gifts.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Vest-S-Cape by Saf-t Pockets

I'm wearing my royal blue vest today at the office. I was worried that it wouldn't stay closed but the scrunchie closure works great. The back has a big collar that drapes very nicely.
A friend of mine took my photo today so I could post it to my blog.
I need to give my other completed vest a good pressing before I take its picture.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I'm sewing today!
I just received a pattern from Saf-t Pockets in the mail. It has a bunch of scarf patterns and a circle vest. (The following day I got my new Threads magazine and there is an article about a similar vest with free instructions.)
I have already cut out 2 vests - pictures very soon. The pattern requires 60" wide fabric. I wanted a drapey vest so I used some weird royal blue fabric that I bought in NYC last year. I was going to serge all the edges but then I decided just to turn them under 1/4". It worked great.
The second vest is cut from one of those printed bedspreads from India. It's 100% cotton, I think. It doesn't drape that well but I think it will turn out nicely.
I'd really like some lightweight wool but none in my stash. If I go to a fabric store, I would probably come home with all kinds of things. So, I try to use up my stash. I could probably piece some rayons together to make 60" wide fabric.
The Threads' version just uses slits for the armholes. The pattern has cutouts that I think are too big. My next one will incorporate ideas from both patterns.
I have already cut out 2 vests - pictures very soon. The pattern requires 60" wide fabric. I wanted a drapey vest so I used some weird royal blue fabric that I bought in NYC last year. I was going to serge all the edges but then I decided just to turn them under 1/4". It worked great.
The second vest is cut from one of those printed bedspreads from India. It's 100% cotton, I think. It doesn't drape that well but I think it will turn out nicely.
I'd really like some lightweight wool but none in my stash. If I go to a fabric store, I would probably come home with all kinds of things. So, I try to use up my stash. I could probably piece some rayons together to make 60" wide fabric.
The Threads' version just uses slits for the armholes. The pattern has cutouts that I think are too big. My next one will incorporate ideas from both patterns.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
It's Thursday!
Monday, October 26, 2009
my new boot
I didn't have to have a cast put on my leg today. Instead I have a gigantic 2 ton boot to wear. It's so heavy and hard to walk in. My first walk wearing it was to my car in the pouring rain.
I get to go back to work tomorrow. Just walking down the hall wears me out. I hope I don't get a big load of copying to do tomorrow.
I get to go back to work tomorrow. Just walking down the hall wears me out. I hope I don't get a big load of copying to do tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Scarf knitting

I finally used up a bunch of multicolored ribbon yarn to make the scarf on the left. I cast on about 15 stitches on size 8 needles. One row is k1 wrap 1 to the end. the second row is k1, drop 1. I like that it turned out nice and loopy looking.
The pink and black scarf is a "potato chip" scarf - you can't make just one. Use circular needles (size 8), cast on 90 or more stitches. Knit first row. Second row - knit front and back of each stitch to the end. Repeat these rows 2 more times. I used up all my pink yarn (cotton from Lions) before I was finished. So I added the black yarn, knitted one row and then cast off. It came out really cute.
It's true - you can't just knit one. I've made a black and white one. I'm now making one from blue and purple chenille yarn.
I like them because they are lightweight - might actually be wearable here in Houston. Plus, they are easy to make while watching TV or riding in the car.
YARRN! is finished.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October is my favorite month of the year! It starts tomorrow. The threat of hurricanes is much lower in October. The weather is finally cooling down - no more 95 degrees plus days.
There is so much to do in October. Houston goes crazy in October - every weekend there's a festival, convention or other big event. This weekend I am attending HAFA's biannual conference. Next Saturday is the ASG meeting. Then there's the quilt show. And then HALLOWEEN.
Last year we didn't get to parade around Kemah because Hurricane Ike destroyed a bunch of it. But, this year Kemah's boardwalk is back. I think I will be a poodle again. Unless it's really hot. Then I can dress as Nefertitty. Or I could always put on my carwash outfit. So many costumes, only one Halloween.....
santa scarf
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Yarrn! my latest project
I've been thinking about this project since last year. I realized it's almost October and a perfect time for a new sweatshirt jacket.
I appliqued a skull onto a black sweatshirt; wrote "yarrn!" with yarn, appliqued hot pink knitting needles where the crossbones would normally go under the skull.
I made front facings with black and white checked knit and added more yarn along the edge. I am still working on the pockets.
It's really cute - photo will come when completed.
I appliqued a skull onto a black sweatshirt; wrote "yarrn!" with yarn, appliqued hot pink knitting needles where the crossbones would normally go under the skull.
I made front facings with black and white checked knit and added more yarn along the edge. I am still working on the pockets.
It's really cute - photo will come when completed.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Twinkle's eye

Twinkle had his eye removed a couple of weeks ago. The stitches haven't dissolved yet - the vet said it would take 6-8 weeks. The fur on his head is growing back nicely. The vet said his eye had been painful. I thought he would get more rowdy when he recovered from the surgery. But, he still is the quieter kitten. Buster is always looking for trouble.
I wish they were more cuddly. They are always ready to play but don't really want to be held.
I buy them lots of toys because they are so energetic and the rest of us are not. Still, they prefer to have me play with them. They love to follow me around and "supervise" my activities.
I hope they will turn into lap cats as they age.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Jefferson, Texas
Marie Christopher was talking about her recent trip to Jefferson, TX at our last get together. Labor Day weekend was coming up so Jim and I decided to go for a visit.
It's a cute little town - lots of beautiful homes, B&B's and antique shops. But, the big draw is ghost hunting. We didn't know anything about all the ghosts until we went into the town on Friday evening (9/4/09). We went on a guided ghost walk around town. We didn't encounter any ghosts but we got to listen to lots of local stories.
The next evening we attended a ghost dinner at a haunted cafe. The dinner was pretty good - tasty spaghetti, salad, cookies. The guy who owned the building gave a talk. He was very strange. He's a ghost expert and used to lecture somewhere. He informed us of the difference between ghosts and apparitions- not to be confused with ufo's and aliens, of course.
I had lots of fun sharing what I learned at the dinner with the people sitting around the breakfast table at the Old Mulberry Bed and Breakfast the next morning. The Old Mulberry is a nicely appointed, pleasant B&B. It's in a residential area with lots of big homes and B&B's. We stayed in the Viking Sun room - big king-sized bed. I would have preferred a walk-in shower to the claw foot tub. The tub was difficult to get into but it was pretty to look at.
We spent Saturday searching through the antique stores in town. Sunday we went to a flea market in Uncertain, Texas. Another weird Texas town name...
I'd like to go again and see Caddo Lake in Uncertain. The pictures of it look so pretty.
I met George Foreman.
Last Thursday, 9/03/09, I went to a presentation by George Foreman sponsored by the Rice Alliance. He is a great speaker - enthusiastic, self-deprecating and motivating.
After his talk he signed my copy of his book. He even stopped to pose for a picture with me.
Now, I really should go out and buy one of those grills....
Thursday, September 3, 2009
2009-08-29 Red Hat Party
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lunch box swap party
This Saturday I'm hosting my third annual lunch box swap party. I've written down the "rules" so next year I won't have to try and remember them.
>My lunch box swap party
Everyone brings a lunch in an attractive container. Each person draws a number. Number 1 chooses a lunch first. Number 2 can choose a new lunch or “steal” Number 1’s. This continues until everyone has chosen a lunch.
Then everyone sits down and eats. I provide a salad and a dessert.
I have this party every year in August in celebration of Mom’s birthday. This year, 2009, she turns 88.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I've been bad.
I've been remiss in posting to my blog. I've been preoccupied with physical therapy for my achilles tendonitis and getting ready for Kevin's wedding.
Now, the wedding is over - it was fabulous.
I'm getting ready for this Saturday's (8/29/09) Red Hat Lunch Box Swap at my house. I spent last weekend trying to get my house in party condition. I'm not baking this year. I will buy the cookies. I still plan on making the salad.
I have this party every August in honor of Mama's birthday. It was August 3rd but I had to delay it until after the wedding. Since it's her birthday month Mom gets to wear red with a purple hat. It's getting too difficult for me to take Mom places so it's nice to have the party at home.
Now, the wedding is over - it was fabulous.
I'm getting ready for this Saturday's (8/29/09) Red Hat Lunch Box Swap at my house. I spent last weekend trying to get my house in party condition. I'm not baking this year. I will buy the cookies. I still plan on making the salad.
I have this party every August in honor of Mama's birthday. It was August 3rd but I had to delay it until after the wedding. Since it's her birthday month Mom gets to wear red with a purple hat. It's getting too difficult for me to take Mom places so it's nice to have the party at home.
Monday, June 29, 2009
stupid foot
My left foot has been hurting for about 2 months now. It's been x-rayed - nothing. My whole leg had an ultrasound - no clots.
So, the doctors (I've been to 3.) think it's just from exercising. I do pool exercises twice a week with 70 and 80 year old women. But, then my knee is close to 100 years old because of that accident when I was 18.
It really bums me out. Isn't it enough that my knee always hurts? Now my ankle hurts, too.
I think it may slowly be getting better. I'm in physical therapy now and I'm trying to rest it. I just hate resting! There are so many things that I want to do.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Cute kitten photo
Sunday, June 7, 2009
No, this is not about beautiful Brad Pitt as Achilles. It's about the tendonitis I have in my Achilles' tendon. It's only in my left leg - the totally screwed up side. The tendon is shorter on my left leg because I can't straighten the leg (due to the knee cap being removed when I was just 18). So, the exercises I have been doing only injured the left leg. I went to a new doctor, Baxter, on Thursday. He told me to return to exercising lightly and keep stretching the tendon. The podiatrist had told me not to exercise and not to stretch.
I am starting to feel a bit better. It is amazing to me how foot pain totally trumps knee pain. I didn't think anything could beat my knee in pain. But, feet are even more important.
I'm hoping that I might be able to visit Kevin in NYC before August!
I am starting to feel a bit better. It is amazing to me how foot pain totally trumps knee pain. I didn't think anything could beat my knee in pain. But, feet are even more important.
I'm hoping that I might be able to visit Kevin in NYC before August!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Here's Twinkle
Isn't Little Buster Kitten a cutie pie?
Here's Buster laying on our bed. He doesn't hold still for long. The kittens don't like to sleep in our bed. I think our bedroom is too cool for them. We have the a/c turned down low and the ceiling fan on. Their favorite spot is in the un-airconditioned laundry room on top of a bookshelf. I think it's the warmest place in the house.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
We went to Kemah on Sunday, 5-17-09

We drove out to Kemah on Sunday because it was such a nice day. It was only in the 70's. So many businesses are gone, including the b&b we stayed at in Seabrook. Now they are charging a fee to park at the boardwalk.
My foot (tendonitis) and knee (always) hurt so we sat in the Cadillac Bar to watch the water. It was too cold for Jim so we sat behind a plastic curtain.
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