We had a nice Christmas this year. Would have been perfect if Kevin and Tomoko could have been with us.
Andy made a great brunch - lobster quiche, cookies, fruit, cake, salad. Woodie came, too. Later on Jimmy and Lupita came over. We had to give Mom just one gift at a time because she would just start ripping them open. She has become so childlike. She opens and eats up her candy right away, too.
Andy and Woodie left around 3 PM so then the 4 of us played cards. Of course, the girls beat the boys.
Kevin and Tomoko sent us all some weird and interesting presents from Japan. I got a beautiful Burberry tote bag.
The only downer is that my gifts still have not arrived for Kevin & Tomoko. I had made them some cute Christmas stockings to decorate their apartment, too. Oh well, as long as they get them eventually. Tomoko has to go check out the post office. Kevin can't speak good enough Japanese yet.
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