My kittens arrived from Mississippi on March 20th. Mimi, the breeder, wanted them to come early so they would be near Dr Rigoni. Twinkle has an eye injury that the doc is treating.
So, besides the house remodeling and being extra tired, I'm taking care of kittens. The kittens are a joy, however. They are so cute. I tried sleeping with them in Jim's office but they used me as a human trampoline. I was able to nap once. But then Little Buster decided that he should meow at me to wake me up.
I named Twinkle because of his eye problem. He has to have drops 2 a day and eye lubicrant 4 times/day. Today the doc said I could discontinue the lubricant. She says that he is getting better.
Little Buster is named after Jim's nickname. When we were in OK, one of his old neighbors kept calling him Little Buster. Her husband was Big Buster. So now, Jim has finally graduated and he is Big Buster.
I let them out to play when I can supervise them and there are no workmen in the house. I put them back for a nap a little while ago. They were upset - they still wanted to play. I needed some mommy alone time.
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