Saturday evening Mary and Rod came to visit. We had a good time playing "password." On Sunday Kevin and Laura came and we played "password" some more. We love having visitors!
I bought Jim some stuff at Academy - wrestling gloves, a bottle and a rear view mirror from the cycling department. The gloves are to help with grasping objects. The bottle has texture on the sides so Jim can hold it. It has an easy to open top to drink from.
These same things for these uses cost a lot more at health care websites.
The rearview mirror may not work on the wheelchair. I'll wait and see if I can attach it when Jim's own wheelchair comes in.
Being with Jim is exhausting. I can never rest. He always wants or needs something. My back was killing me. He didn't want to move around much because he was afraid of bleeding again. He didn't bleed all day Sunday.
He works very hard during PT and OT. I think he needs to work hard all the time - brushing his own teeth, feeding himself, etc. I bought the stuff from Academy to help him be more independent. I was nice to him all weekend. But now I'm going to insist he do more for himself. It's the only way that he'll improve. He says that it takes so long when he does things for himself. Too bad - he needs to learn how to do things better and quicker by practicing.
I'll be tough taskmaster today - unless he's bleeding again.
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