Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 11, 2011: doctor's appointment

Lupita, Jim and I took a trip to TIRR hospital yesterday. Jim had his first follow up appointment with Dr Berliner. The doctor was impressed with Jim's progress. He wrote an order for more PT, a referral to get botox on his hands and shoulder, and prescriptions.

TIRR is such a sad place. There was a young father riding in a wheelchair while his wife pushed 2 little kids in a stroller. It's difficult enough to care for a quadriplegic alone. It has to be so much harder to take care of children, too.

I could not care for Jim alone, especially in the beginning. Last night his caregiver didn't show up. I was already tired from the busy day. Then I had to help Jim into bed. Putting Jim to bed is a big procedure. He wears special boots, hand splints, diaper and his C pap machine. I wasn't very good at doing all these chores and Jim got really mad at me. Thank goodness I'm on lots of antidepressants. In the past I would have shut down and not be able to speak for days. It's like being stuck in a giant bell jar - to use Sylvia Plath's analogy. I'm glad that I don't have to feel like that anymore.

All week at work I've had to move boxes & furniture, stand and make a zillion copies, go back and forth, upstairs, downstairs. Right now I'm taking a break.

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