Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 11, 2012

Turns out that I didn't have allergy problems after all last weekend.  I went to see my allergist for my yearly visit.  She was checking me out and wiggled my esophagus.  It made my throat tickle and I started coughing and coughing.  My nose started running and my eyes teared up.  She said that was acid reflux, not an allergy attack.

I went to my GP and he told me to double up on nexium.  I could have been well last weekend, if I had only known what was going on in my body.

So, now I've learned and I feel good again.

My allergist, Dr Kristin Moore, is the only doctor I've been to that actually does a thorough exam.  I've been going to her for over 20 years now.  She has transferred her files to a computer system.  She enters  data as she speaks to you, sends prescriptions to the pharmacy, writes out instructions and gives you a print out after the exam.  I wish I could find a good GP that would do all this.

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