I had to move out one day early. The moving company called and gave me a choice of Sunday or Tuesday. They said they had to cancel me on Monday. So, I stayed up all night. I ended up throwing out so much good stuff at the end. I had already donated tons but I must have owned a few hundred tons of stuff in the beginning.
They finished loading my stuff by 2:00 PM. We were on the road by 2:30 PM. Boy, was I exhausted. We stopped at a Bucky's rest stop. I didn't even recognize myself in the bathroom mirror. My hair was plastered to my head from sweating and my face was all red and puffy from lack of sleep. Andy took pity on me and we stopped after just 6 hours west of Dallas somewhere.
We let the kitty out in the motel room. She was so scared. She wouldn't eat. But, took a drink and used the litter box. Then she hid in the closet.
My dog had a wonderful time sleeping on my lap all day and Andy walked her when we took breaks.
Day 2: Monday, May 15, 2017
We started driving around 8 AM today. I encourage my son Andy to stop often though. He is used to a Ford truck with a big engine. My car is a great size for me but Andy feels squished in it. The dog needs to pee. I need to get my circulation going in my legs again. So we stop, get a beverage and walk around but the poor kitty continues in her hideout.
I try not to be too needy. I remember driving my mom from Rochester in 2004. I had to do all the driving, fetching and toting bags. It was tough. At least Andy is young and strong. He is being a great son driving his mama and her pets out to Portland in my small, slow Subaru Crosstrek. Maybe I'll forgive him now for the 24 hours of labor he put me through in 1979 - lol!
Tonight we are staying in Trinidad, Colorado. We drove about 10 hours today. Poor Stella, my kitty, is hiding in the closet. I hope she will eat something tonight.
We are a day ahead of what we planned. My lease in Portland doesn't start until May 19th.
Enjoying your travelogue.
Hey Joanne! You're doing great! Be sure to stay on top of keeping your circulation flowing! I had no idea that you would leave so soon. NOW, it's really real for me. Miss you already! Be sure to get plenty of sleep tonight. Take care and keep me posted with your travels... or better yet, I'll read your blog everyday to see what you're up to. ~Altha
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