On the day before Thanksgiving, 11/24/2010, I asked my husband to wake me up from a nap at 5:30 PM. He sat on the bed gently rubbing my feet and telling me it was time to wake up. Then I kind of woke up and saw that the bathroom light was on and the door closed.
I hear a "thunk." I called his name and he didn't answer. As I was walking to the door, I heard a strange gurgly sound. Jim had had a sharp pain while on the commode and fainted. He fell in such a way that he injured his spinal cord. I thought he passed out from low sugar.
I called the ambulance and then tried to give him orange juice. He couldn't move at all. The paramedics took him out on a back board with a neck brace. He is still in Memorial Hermann SW in the ICU.
The cat scan and MRI showed that he injured his spinal cord along C3 - C6. He now can lift his arms slightly but can't use his fingers or feel his legs.
Saturday he had emergency decompression surgery to stop the muscle spasms. He is in terrible pain.
Don't ask me what the future will hold for him. The doctor doesn't know. We can only hope that he will regain use of his fingers at least and maybe walk again.
I have to be at the hospital most of the time. When he is moved to the neurology floor I will be needing help with sitting with him and being his advocate in the hospital. The nurses are good but they have too many patients and too much to do.
After his hospitalization he will need to go to a rehabilitation center or nursing home until he regains some strength.
I have to return to work and keep our health insurance. I only work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The other days I can be with Jim.
I have caregivers who come in several times a week to take care of my 89 year old mother.