I left the house at 9:15 today and went to Target. I shopped as fast as I could so I could get to the hospital. I bought Jim some more XL t-shirts & pants. Plus, I needed some wrapping supplies. I bought another cd/cassette player for Jim. I still can't get it to play cassette tapes. I'll try to get it to work tomorrow again.
Jim was sleeping in his chair when I got to the hospital. He didn't sleep well again last night. We went to the cookie & craft class at TIRR. Pretty much of a dud. We went back to his room and he was too tired to eat his lunch.
At 1 PM Jim had a functional class. It was a group game playing session. We played "apples to apples jr." Jim tried to pick up the cards. He was able to push them around a bit. He's not as bad as some of the other patients. It's sad.
I brought Jim back to his room and we got him into his bed. He fell right to sleep. I even napped a little bit. Then Jimmy & Lupita came to visit. Lupita fed Jim his dinner. We had a nice visit.
After they left I cleaned up his room. Kevin called and talked to Jim. That was sweet.
I left the hospital around 7:30. I'm exhausted. Tomorrow I need to get some stuff done at home before I go back to the hospital.
1 comment:
Hey, Joanne - believe it or not, Lani Diane Rich follows your blog ever since you made mention of one of her books a while ago. She posted at her own blog recently about the troubles you're having and asked all her fans to send some positive thoughts your way. (Her blog is now at www.lucymarch.com, which is a new pen name she's using now.)
I thought you'd like to know that there are a lot of people you don't even know praying for you and your Jim and hoping that things get better quickly.
My hubby is my best friend too, and I can't imagine coping with something like this while also caring for your elderly mom. I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I only wish I could do more to help you.
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