Jim wasn't dressed when I got to the hospital this morning at 11 AM. He was in terrible pain and nauseated. The nurse took a long time in getting his pain med to him. She gave him norco and that made him vomit. He was just miserable.
I got the nurse to give him dilaudid and an anti-nausea med. His pulse only gets to around 45 when he's on dilaudid. By 2 PM he was ready to get up. We went to the hospital Christmas party. We got our picture taken with Santa and listened to the Salvation Army choir. They had hors d'ouevres and desserts. We met Jeff who worked in food service. He got Jim some sugar free pudding and jello. Jim got a stuffed cat with reindeer antlers, 2 little Christmas trees and a poinsettia plant. He said he was happy that he went to the party. I hope he meant it. He has to participate in activities at the hospital. It's part of his therapy.
I went to a newcomers' meeting where I learned that 80% of TIRR's patients have brain injuries. There is only one floor for spinal cord injuries. I'm so glad that Jim does not have brain damage. It would be terrible not to be able to talk with him.
Laura & Kevin came to visit tonight. They brought us eggrolls! They were so nice to come to see Jim. We really enjoy visitors.
It is extremely difficult to be with all the patients and families who are suffering so much pain. Theoretically we all know that something could happen to us and forever change our lives. It is very stressful to come face to face with that reality everyday. Many of the patients at TIRR can't even move their fingers. It is scary to know how easy it would be to lose even simple bodily functions.
I'm returning to work tomorrow morning. Normally I don't work on Mondays but I want to be able to stay with Jim on Wednesday. The doctors make family rounds on Wednesdays.
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