Today Jim got to do new exercises. His hands were tied to the hand bike and he could make it go round & round. He still can't grip anything but his arms are getting stronger. Then he did a rowing exercise. His therapist signed him up for an exercise group. He'll be doing these kinds of exercises but without individual attention.
There will be family rounds tomorrow instead of Wednesday. So, I have to get to the hospital early tomorrow. Liza, his OT therapist wants me to participate tomorrow also. She has him at 10 AM.
He was able to feed himself quite a bit today with the fork in his wrist support.
He can move his right knee now. His left knee muscle is activated. That means he can't move it yet but the muscle is responding. You could see it twitch a little.
He is worried about getting bowel & bladder control back. The doctor said he is still in the early stages of recovery so there is still hope.
We spoke with the hospital shrink about our options for the next step. Jim will probably go to a skilled nursing facility. There he will be able to get more pt and ot. It won't be as intense as TIRR. Unfortunately, the insurance company won't support his staying at TIRR much longer.
His care and therapy won't be as good. But I'd just hate to see an insurance executive have to take a cut in his multi-million dollar paycheck.
I loathe insurance companies. They decide whether or not you can take a certain drug. It doesn't surprise me that they decide about Jim's care when he leaves the hospital..
Insurance companies run this country, and most of our citizens are ignorant of that fact and how much better things are in other countries in the Western world.
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