Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Scrappy Flower Pins

Inspiration for my pins came from several venues. I love recycling projects. These pins provide me with ways to use up scraps of fabrics, orphaned earrings and buttons while playing with colors and textures. I carry the makings in a big box so I can craft the pins while I spend time with my Mom watching the boob tube.


My scrappy flower pins are a great way to use up bits of leftover fabric and orphaned earrings and buttons.
The pins have 2 to 5 layers. I love to mix different textures and colors of fabric. They are like potato chips - you can't have just one!

My tutorial shows how this particular pink scrappy pin is made. I used 3 fabrics - tulle, open weave cotton and a regular cotton. Cut the strips according to the following measurements. I used a rotary cutter for the tulle. I just tore the cottons. I like the fraying that I get this way. The loose threads lend an organic look to the finished pin.

This is how I cut the strips:

Strip 1 - approx. 1 1/4" wide by 18" long

Strip 2 - approx. 1 3/4" wide by 13" long
Strip 3 - approx. 2 1/4 " wide by 22" long

The gathered strips turn into the pictured rosettes.

Sew a running stitch on each strip along one long side. Pull up to gather. Meet ends and sew together. Be sure the gathers are arranged evenly.

Sew (or could glue) the circles on top of each other - biggest to smallest.

Select a center for the flower - orphaned earring or button, pin, pendant, etc.

Attach the center piece through all layers of the flower. Buttons are the easiest to sew on. I also sew on earrings or pins, often I will remove their backing to have the item lie flatter.
You could also simply glue the center.

I chose a pink yo yo from my stash.

Sew (or glue) the yo yo to the back of the flower to cover the stitches and to help support the petals.

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