Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30 2017: life goes on

I stayed at the legacy Emmanuel hospital until Friday, the 26th.  My stay there is just a mangle of snippets of memories.  I must have been heavily medicated.  The surgeon bounced in and out of my room. I'd like to know more about my surgery. I have a follow up appointment with him in a couple weeks. I'll make him talk to me then.
I was moved to a skilled nursing center, Marquis Vermont hills.  My pt and ot is off to a slow start because of the holiday weekend.
The workers here have all been pleasant. They answer the call button quickly.
Yesterday I had my ten scalp staples out.
My head is much more comfortable on the pillow now. When Kevin brings in my laptop I'll be able to add photos to my blog.
My only complaint is the wrinkles in the mattress.  When you're stuck on your back in bed every little bump feels like a rock. Relief only comes when I get up to use my port-o-can (bedside commode).

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