Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 22, 2018: I won Survivor!

It has been one year today since I survived being hit from behind by a metro bus running a stop sign. The impact shattered my hip, threw me to the ground thereby giving me a concussion, multiple bruises and tearing my scalp.

I'm not going to sit around at home and feel sorry for myself.

First,  I'm going to a session with my physical therapist at 11 AM.  Then I'm going to lunch with a friend and to Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden in southeast Portland.  (I could only look at the gardens from above.  The paths were too steep for me to be able to go down.)

Tonight I'm taking my family out to dinner at our favorite restaurant.  I think that my survival is worth a celebration!

Marvel Comics has not yet written me into any of their Avengers' stories.  My super power is stopping buses with my butt.  It definitely beats spinning webs, turning into a giant green man or warping reality - BIG TIME!

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