Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 2012: How I constructed an adult booster seat

I used "Quick Grip" glue to secure the legs.

 I filled in the space between the legs with cardboard.

 I glued a large piece of cardboard to totally cover the underside of the table.

I put weights on it until the glue dried completely.

 I covered the top of the table with more cardboard and glued it down.

 Carpet tape is very strong and is double-sided.

I removed one side of the blue paper to expose the tape and put it around the perimeter of the box.

I cut a heavy duty piece of a foam cushion and taped it to the top side of the table.  I wrapped the table in a foam backed fabric that is used on car dashboards.  This fabric can be purchased at a fabric store, like Hancock's.

I used small nails to secure the fabric.  I cut out a square piece to cover the bottom and pounded in more small nails.

I wrapped a dog leash (bought at a dollar store) around the booster seat with the hook on the side.  The leash helps secure the fabric and provides a handle to tote around the seat.

The booster seat helps an adult with impaired leg function rise out of a chair (gracefully, even!).

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