Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26, 2013: Hawaiian posts and photos will be coming soon.

I arrived back home yesterday at about 11 AM.  I had asked United for handicapped seating.  The trip going was very comfortable.  But, coming home I was stuck in a very cramped economy seat.  I did get up and walk around several times and did leg exercises.  But, despite that, I'm stuck with phlebitis in my left leg.

I couldn't even get out of the seat until the stewardess came over and unlocked my aisle armrest.  I tried to get up and fell back down on the seat, spilling my water bottle.  Luckily I brought a change of clothes on board.  If the armrest would not have been able to be raised (all of them are not), could a really bad blood clot develop?  It's very possible.

I guess I'll have to shell out more money for economy plus from now on.  My life is worth it.

I noticed that my leg hurt when I was at the office this morning.  So, at least I'm catching it at an early stage.  That's a problem with high pain tolerance.  Sometimes I don't notice that something is wrong until it gets really bad.

As a result, I am stuck sitting with my legs raised all weekend.  I hate it!  At least I did all my laundry and put stuff away yesterday afternoon.  I do need to do some housecleaning.  But, it will wait.

I plan on uploading all my vacation photos and blogging about my trip.  I had a great time.  My grandson must be the cutest smartest baby boy in the world!  And that's my very impartial grandma opinion ;)  Here's one photo to start:

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